Services 4-Hand MassageA 4-hand massage is a kind of massage that has 2 masseurs or therapists for one client. They practice synchronized technical massage movements and apply the same pressure and pace on both sides of the bodyBalinese MassageBalinese massage is a full-body, deep-tissue, holistic treatment. Traditional Balinese massage uses a combination of gentle stretches, acupressure, reflexology, and aromatherapy.Couples MassageWhether you want to strengthen your relationship, celebrate a special occasion, or simply looking for something fun together, a couple massage could be the perfect plan.Deep Tissue MassageIf you’re suffering from tensions and aches that cannot be solved by a classic Swedish massage then a deep tissue massage might be the answer you’re looking for!Swedish MassageSwedish massage is one of the most common types of massages you can get. It is performed to energize the body and improve overall health.Thai MassageThai massage uses pressure points, muscle stretching and compression in a yoga-like rhythmic motion to release muscular tension, increase flexibility and improve joint pain.